28 mai 2008

E postal match "pin shooting training".

Here we are,the results from the very first e-postal match hosted in France, I'm so proud !

First I'd like to thank all competitors for their participation and humor, I had a lot of fun reading your mails, compiling your results and discovering the guns you shoot.

Update: Added Merle's results, his mail was probably lost in my spam box. I had to add these results at the end of each list, sorry, blogger seems to hate me these days and doesn't allow me to write things like I want (as you may have noticed).

Class 1 : rimfire open sights
Shooter Gun Circles Pins Total
Mr.CompletelyHigh Standard .22434083
Bill (10yards)Ruger Mark I .22 6"354277
Bill H
High Standard .22233053
Ruger 22/45301545

Merle Ruger SA 9,5" 45 35 80

Merle Ruger mark 2 6"7/8 45 45 90

Class 2 : rimfire optic sights
Shooter Gun Circles Pins Total
Mr.CompletelyHigh Standard .22 +reddot495099 !
ManfredColt .22 Target 2xreddot465096
Kee Wee
High Standart .22 Sporting Sharpshooter
Conservative UAW Guy
M107 .22 Ultradot Match
BetyColt .22 Target 2xreddot

Class 3 : centerfire open sights
Shooter Gun Circles Pins Total
AhabRemington 1858 .45 Colt
AhabS&W 1937 .45 ACP454590
Wyatt EarpUberti 1875 .45 Colt453577
ManfredHK Mark23 .45 ACP463076
TorpedoTanfoglio .40S&W403373
BillCz Vz82 9.18 Makarov304272
BillRossi .357 Bullseye 6"353166
Bill HS&W 19 .38Special311546
Bill HGlock 27 .40S&W33639

Merle Dan wesson 357 10" 48 45 93

27 mai 2008

Please allow me...

...to dedicate this song to the one, the only one sweet girl, living so far away from me but so close to my heart: Anna marie.
You restored hope in my life.


Mahal kita Anna marie.

Your red baron :-)

24 mai 2008

Happy birthday my mauser !

Last year I bought a german mauser 98k, it came from ukrainian army surplus, they were captured over wehrmacht during the second world war.
I received it for my 34th birthday: http://viedepassion.blogspot.com/2007/05/joyeux-anniversaire-manfred.html

I had no plan to buy a gun a that time but didn't want to miss it, so it took time to buy ammos, reloading components and a shoulder shield.
My rifle is chambered in 8.60s caliber not in the genuine 8.57is because in France it takes less paper work to buy a rifle if the caliber has not been used by an army.

I needed a protection for my shoulder as consequences of my motorbike crash, a mauser is not really user friendly, recoil is quite violent.
I discovered also, my eyes were not good enough for the genuine sights, the rear sight is very far away and the front sight is too thin for me.
So I bought a cheap scout rifle with mount, it arrived last week.

Today is my 35th birthday so I realize I own my mauser for one year already.

I used reduced fire ammos, 1 gramme of french snpe A0 powder and 125grs tmj H&N bullets.
So my mauser became "shoulder friendly" and still pleasant to shoot, I only shot at 50m /55yards so far, accuracy is good, better than my skill with a rifleso far.

Here is a video taken this week:

05 mai 2008

e- postal match:pin shooting training

Ok, guys, here we are, the May e-postal match.

For those who are already pin shooters it may be a training session, for the others I hope this will let them trying this very funny discipline.

Shots have to be fast but accurate, as a bullet hitting a pin at the wrong place can make it roll on the table rather than throwing it on the floor.

The first target is here:http://reloadbench.com/pdf/files/half-inch-center-small-1.gif

Rules are simple, one shot on each target, off hand or two hands allowed but you can not lower your arm until you have shot all the targets.

Shooting distance is: 25 feets/7.62 meters (Hi Mr.C) or 10 yards wichever is available at your range.

The goal is to simulate,five shots on a pin shooting table, the ten ring represents the good area to hit in order to throw the pin away from the table. I know it's rather small but hey, we are all master shooters !

Second target can be found here: http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/5779/epostalmatchmay0002eo6.jpg

5 shots once again but on one lone poor pin.
This time you have to lower your arm between each shot but once you're aiming the pin try to not spend more than one second each time.
The goal is to simulate the first shot to a row of pins, which often is the most important.

A shot in the triangle counts 10 points.
-inside the lower body or inside the red line is 5 points
- inside the head is... 1 point.

Any hole outside the pin is worth, well, nothing.

A perfect set will render a score of 100 points.

Mark your individual scores for each target, target #1 total score, target #2 total score, the total score for both targets combined, and the name you want to use when listed in the results all on target #1 with a legible felt pen, along with the class and type of gun used.Don't write your name on the target, only the name you want to appear in the results.Email the results and pictures of target at:

somua 2003 AT yahoo DOT fr.


CLASS ONE: Rimfire - Iron Sight. Any rimfire handgun with no more than a 12" barrel. Optical sights such as red dots, lasers, or scopes are not allowed.

CLASS TWO: Rimfire - Optic Sight. Any rimfire handgun with no more than a 12" barrel. Red dots sights, lasers, or scopes can be used.

CLASS THREE: Centerfire - Iron Sight. Any centerfire handgun with no more than a 12" barrel. Optical sights such as red dots, lasers, or scopes are not allowed.

CLASS FOUR: Centerfire - Optic Sight. Any centerfire handgun with no more than a 12" barrel. Red dots sights, lasers, or scopes can be used.

CLASS FIVE: Other stuff - BB, pellet, arrows, slingshots, catapults... Let me know, but no shotguns.

ALTERNATE ENTRIES: If for whatever reason you cannot shoot the match in the manner described, shoot it anyway and send in your entry, but be sure to tell me what you did so I can include that info in the results.

MULTIPLE ENTRIES: You can enter more than once, in fact, it is encouraged. Shoot everything you own, and everything you can borrow! Take a buddy to the range, get him entered, then borrow his gun and enter that! The only restriction is that a shooter can only enter once for any given gun.Different calibers in the same gun count as one gun. For example, .38SPL and .357MAG are considered as one, as would be .44SPL and .44MAG. Different guns of the same caliber and barrel length can be entered. A .22 conversion on a .45 frame counts as a second gun, so you can take off the conversion and shoot the .45 too.

Feel free to ask any question, thank you for coming :-)

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E postal Match May

The team of "armes et tir passion" is honored to host the next E-postal match.
It will be posted on may 5.

I imagined a match who could serve as a training exercise for pin shooting.

Thanks to Mr Completely for the invitation,Leon and myself enjoy challenging other shooters from far away.

The results from April can be found there "The Conservative UAW Guy".

Congratulations to Leon for his good results, he recently had a motorbike crash and is currently stucked at home, I'm sure this will help him to keep a good mood and recover quickly.