22 avril 2007

Un club de tir bien sympa/ A nice shooting range.

Be polite with the lady :-)

J'ai l'occasion de discuter avec un membre de ce club de tir de Nice (french riviera), il m'a envoyé le lien de leur site web.

TCDCA stand de tir Mont Chauve.

On peut y pratiquer toutes sortes de disciplines, TSV , TAR et tir de loisirs.

L'ambiance à l'air extrèmement conviviale,voir les photos dans les galleries, notamment celles des repas.


I met a french fellow shooter on a gun forum who sent me the URL from his range.
Members look very friendly and they should have good time.

They practice all kinds of disciplines, IPSC, championships with genuine military guns or steel plates challenges as well as pin shooting of course.

As true frenchs they also enjoy good meals and wine.In fact, as soon as you leave Paris, french are usually friendly and funny people.

One can't be more french than that.

See you soon in a french shooting range.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Good words.