24 mai 2008

Happy birthday my mauser !

Last year I bought a german mauser 98k, it came from ukrainian army surplus, they were captured over wehrmacht during the second world war.
I received it for my 34th birthday: http://viedepassion.blogspot.com/2007/05/joyeux-anniversaire-manfred.html

I had no plan to buy a gun a that time but didn't want to miss it, so it took time to buy ammos, reloading components and a shoulder shield.
My rifle is chambered in 8.60s caliber not in the genuine 8.57is because in France it takes less paper work to buy a rifle if the caliber has not been used by an army.

I needed a protection for my shoulder as consequences of my motorbike crash, a mauser is not really user friendly, recoil is quite violent.
I discovered also, my eyes were not good enough for the genuine sights, the rear sight is very far away and the front sight is too thin for me.
So I bought a cheap scout rifle with mount, it arrived last week.

Today is my 35th birthday so I realize I own my mauser for one year already.

I used reduced fire ammos, 1 gramme of french snpe A0 powder and 125grs tmj H&N bullets.
So my mauser became "shoulder friendly" and still pleasant to shoot, I only shot at 50m /55yards so far, accuracy is good, better than my skill with a rifleso far.

Here is a video taken this week:

3 commentaires:

  1. Happy Birthday my Friend! ;-)

  2. OH, et dire que j'ai loupé celà, vilain cachotier: très bon anniversaire quand même en dépit du retard!

    PS:même avec 1g de Ao,çà a comme qui dirait des relents d'airsoft; essaie donc un calibre d'homme, un vrai: du 8x64S par exemple....LOL

  3. Merci les copains !

    Peuh le 8.64s c'est pour les bourrins, je suis un tireur de précision moi Môssieur !
