07 juin 2007

Some pics of our first steel plate challenge.

Leon did a nice job taking pics during the steel plate challenge, here are some.
first workshop, we had to hit the steel plate at the botom right first to enable the curtain to withdraw, there were 2 "no shoot" targets.

Second workshop, 2 hits on each drawings then shoot the steel plate to release the running taget and two shots on it.
I had a hard time for this one, after the reload I didn't remember wich target I had to shoot so I made 4 holes to some of them and forgot some others.
When I released the moving target I had one round left only but I hit the ten ring.

Recoil from the mark 23, It looks like a "wrist twisting" don't you think ?

Axeman shooting his 45 acp Glock, he had some misfire with handloaded ammos,the glocks 21 and 20 are hard to feed.

Last but not least the entire "armes et tir passion" staff posing.

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