19 mai 2009

Retour au 10 auto.

Vous avez probablement remarqué que j'étais un grand fan du calibre 10mm auto.

J'ai possédé un Pistolet Glock 20 C, l'arme ne m'a pas convaincu et je n'ai jamais été capable de tirer correctement avec.
Pourtant je suis tombé amoureux du 10mm auto du fait de sa puissance et de sa polyvalence dûe à la grande plage de rechargement disponible.
Puis j'ai fais l'acquisition d'un Smith & Wesson 610, malheureusement, il était en mauvais état j'ai donc annulé la transaction avec le vendeur.
Je savais donc qu'un jour ou l'autre j'utiliserai à nouveau le "mighty ten".

Ce grand jour est arrivé, je suis à nouveau propriétaire d'un revolver Smith & Wesson 610 que j'ai éssayé aujourd'hui même.

J'adore les sensations, avec le canon 4 pouces en utilisant des cartouches chargées avec de la poudre A1 et des ogives 180grs, le recul est situé quelque part entre le 38 spécial et le 357 magnum.

Il me reste à éssayer des ogives de 200grs et la poudre finlandaise pour davantage de sensations.

L'arme est massive, très équilibrée, les organes de visée très clairs, j'ai réussi à placer mes 20 balles dans le visuelles de la C50 à 25m, ce qui est une performance pour moi avec une arme que je ne connais pas.

L'ancien propriétaire a installé un kit de ressorts allégé, la détente est très douce mais la percussion trop faible pour les amorces CCI et winchester.
Comme il est difficile de se procurer des amorces federal plus tendres et puisque je compte acheter quelques cartouches de 40 S&W (short and weak) je vais réinstaller les ressorts d'origine.

Ce revolver me servira pour le tir sur cibles, le pin shooting et peut-être un jour lors des fun shoot mais après une bonne dose d'entrainement.

Renaissance du magazine "Calibres"

Nous sommes nombreux à regretter la disparition du magazine "calibres".

Je suis heureux de vous annoncer que nous ne sommes plus orphelins, en effet il est à nouveau disponible sous format éléctronique et paraitra chaque mois sur le site http://www.tireurs.fr/.

Ce site propose également des videos, une liste de clubs de tir et d'armurier, des petites annonces et bien d'autres choses.

J'ai commencé la lecture du magazine disponible gratuitement en PDF et je dois dire que j'y ais trouvé le même plaisir qu'auparavant, les auteurs nous font partager leurs passion avec toujours cette grande sincérité.

Longue vie à "tireurs", un magazine fait pour nous.

07 mai 2009

May e-postal match first try.

2 handguns used by US army side by side.

First try with the mark 23 on my own e postal match.
The ace of clubbers is not that big at 25 meters and I was far from shooting it each time, sometimes I had to stop aiming to see where was the target, but I don't have good eyes.

Colt 22 target 22lr and mark 23.

Shooting the five of hearts was easier, i tend to think there will be many similar scores, the ace of clubbers will probably determine the winner.

I will try again at least one time.

I hope you will enjoy as much as I did.

01 mai 2009

May e postal match, "Tribute to Alain."

For this e postal match I wanted to pay a tribute to a friend of mine I met when I was 21, he was about 50.
Alain was a shooter and reloader since the age of 16, he was always happy to help and give some advices to people who asked for.
He shared his knowledge in many things to people who needed it, but always stayed humble and was famous in any range for that.
He had no degrees for that but was able to teach accurate shooting to cops or bodyguards.

He loved old west guns and shot most of the time with his Colt single action army or his sharp rifle.
One of the last time I saw him shooting, he was using his sharps rifle in 45/70 government caliber and was shooting at a playing card at 50 meters, he never missed the "pic as".

This rememberance gave me the idea for this E postal match.

The first target is a five of hearts playing card.
Distance is 25 feet ot 10 yards, depending of what is available to you at your range.

Shoot 5 bullets, one on each of the hearts, reload then,shoot again one bullet at each of the hearts for a total of ten shots.

Each shot touching a heart is worth 10 points.
Each shot inside the target but not touching a heart is worth 1 point.
Any shot outside the paper is worth...nothing.

Maximum total score is 100 points.

Second target is a big ace of clubs.
Distance is 25 yards.
Shoot 10 times trying to hit the ace in the middle.

Each shot touching the club is worth 10 points.
Each shot touching the circle of leaves but not the club is worth 5 points.
Each shot inside the paper but not touching the leaves or the club is worth 1 point.

Maximum total score is 100 points.

You can download targets here and here.


Class 1: Rimfire - Iron Sight
Class 2: Rimfire - Optic Sight
Class 3: Centerfire - Iron Sight
Class 4: Centerfire - Optic Sight
Class 5: Revolver - Any Sight
Class 6: airsoft, air guns, panzerfausts, machineguns...

ALTERNATE ENTRIES: If for whatever reason you cannot shoot the match in the manner described, shoot it anyway and send in your entry, but be sure to tell me what you did so I can include that info in the results.

MULTIPLE ENTRIES: You can enter more than once, in fact, it is encouraged. Shoot everything you own, and everything you can borrow! Take a buddy to the range, get him entered, then borrow his gun and enter that! The only restriction is that you can only enter once for any given gun, in any individual Class. You can enter class four with a gun that you have also entered in one of the other classes.

Different calibers in the same gun count as one gun. For example, .38SPL and .357MAG are considered as one, as would be .44SPL and .44MAG. Different guns of the same caliber and barrel length can be entered. A .22 conversion on a .45 frame counts as a second gun, so you can take off the conversion and shoot the .45 too.

PRIZES: Nope, it's just for the fun of it and the bragging rights!

SUBMITTING YOUR ENTRY: Take a digital photo of, (or scan) your targets, and email the picture,along with:

1. Your total score.
2. The name(s) you want used when we post the results
3. Gun description - Brand, model, semi-auto, revolver, caliber, barrel length, and type of sights.
4. Class: Class One, Class Two, Class Three, Class Four, or Class Five.
5. Anything interesting or unique about your entry that other shooters might enjoy hearing about.

E mail it all to: somua2003 AT yahoo DOT fr

If you have a blog or a website, you can post the target pictures on your site, then email me the rest of the information excluding the pictures. I can have a look at your targets on your blog.

Be sure to include the URL for your website pictures.

This works well, saves some email bandwidth, and helps to publicise the matches.

The rules are subject to revision as needed, should the need arise.

You may submit your entries until midnight may 25.

e postal match.

I am proud to host the may e postal match, I will post targets and rules today.
I can already tell you there will be fast shooting at 10 yards and precision shooting at 25 yards.

Stay tuned !